Statutes of International Quadrathlon Federation

Statutes of International Quadrathlon Federation

Article 1

The International Quadrathlon Federation, in short I.Q.F. or the "Federation" is a non-profit federation governed by the present statutes and, secondly, by Articles 60 et seq. of the Swiss Civil Code.
It is neutral politically, non-denominational and does not discriminate between its members or the affiliated members of its members in any sense including race and sex.

Article 2

  1. The International Quadrathlon Federation's headquarters are located in the Canton of Zurich.
  2. The Federation shall be of unlimited duration. 

Article 3

The Federation shall pursue the following aims:

  1. I.Q.F. is a worldwide governing organization of the sport quadrathlon.
  2. I.Q.F. associates the National Governing Bodies (NGB) of the sport quadrathlon in the independent states of the world.
  3. The objective of I.Q.F. is to develop and promote quadrathlon through activities mentioned below:
    1. Promoting friendship and understanding between members and organizations from all countries and continents.
    2. Coordinating quadrathlon activities in the world.
    3. Creation of technical, sports and organizational regulations.
    4. Organizing and coordinating meetings, training camps, championships, seminars, demonstrations, and other events of quadrathlon performed in the world.
    5. Solving differences and disputes that may appear between member organizations (National Governing Bodies).

Article 4

  1. The Federation's resources are derived from:
    1. donations and legacies;
    2. sponsorship;
    3. public financing and subsidies;
    4. membership fees;
    5. receipts from tournaments, championships and shows organized by the Federation,
    6. any other resources of any kind as long as it's not prohibited by the law.
  2. The funds shall be used in accordance with and for the purpose of accomplishing the Federation’s aims.

Article 5

  1. Any national Governing Body of Quadrathlon in its country, which is democratic and a legitimately structured Association/Federation, legally registered as non profit organization for the purposes of the development and promotion of quadrathlon in the country of its registration may apply to be a member of the Federation.
  2. In order to become a member of the Federation, the President of the applicant must submit its statute, schedule of activities, number of clubs, grades, and members and the documentation which shows its technical and organizational level to the I.Q.F. Board of Directors. The Board of Directors have full discretion if to admit an applicant and if it admits a new member this will be informed the General Assembly accordingly.
  3. In each country there will be only one affiliated Association recognized as the “National Governing Body (NGB)”of same country, as approved by the I.Q.F. Board of Directors.
  4. The approved NGB shall be the Association considered the most advantageous to the cause of the I.Q.F. The membership of an approved NGB by the Board of Directors must be ratified at the next Congress of the Federation. Until such ratification the approved NGB will be considered as a temporary member and the Federation is entitled to decide if such status entails different rights and duties from a full affiliated member.
  5. The Board of Directors yearly reviews, that the NGB's fulfils all the requirements in order to keep their status.
  6. Any physical or legal entity may become a supporting member if (i) they have demonstrated their dedication to the goals of the Federation through their commitments or actions, and (ii) provided that they are not employed by the Federation.
  7. The Federation comprises:
    1. ordinary members
    2. supporting members
  8. Membership ceases:
    1. by written resignation submitted by a NGB to the Board of Directors at least six months before the end of the financial year;
    2. by exclusion ordered by the Board of Directors, for just cause, with a right of appeal such decision to the General Assembly. Appeals must be lodged within 30 days of the Board of Directors’ decision being notified;
    3. for non-payment of dues for more than one year.
    4. dissolution of the National Governing Body.
  9. In all cases the membership fee for the current year remains due. Members who have resigned or who are excluded have no rights to any part of the Federation’s assets.
  10. Only the Federation's assets may be used for obligations/commitments contracted in its name. Members have no personal liability.

Article 6

The Federation shall include the following organs:

  1. The General Assembly.
  2. The Board of Directors.
  3. The Auditor.

General Assembly
Article 7

  1. The General Assembly is the Federation's supreme authority. It is composed of all the members.
  2. It shall hold an Ordinary Meeting once each year. It may also hold an extraordinary session whenever necessary, at the request of the Board of Directors or at least of one-third of its members.
  3. The General Assembly is authorized to pass resolutions in the presence of at least half of the association members in the first term, and in the second term - regardless of the number of people present.
  4. The Board of Directors shall inform the members in writing of the date of the General Assembly at least six weeks in advance. The notification, including the agenda, shall be sent to each member at least 10 days prior to the date of the meeting.
  5. Each NGB member may be represented at the Congress by two delegates who shall have the right to speak, however as each NGB has only one vote, only one delegate from a NGB shall have the right to vote.

Article 8

  1. The General Assembly:
  2. shall ratify the admission and expulsion of members;
  3. appoints the members of the Board of Directors and elects, at a minimum, the President, the Secretary General and the Treasurer;
  4. notes the contents of the reports and financial statements for the year and votes on their adoption;
  5. approves the annual budget;
  6. supervises the activity of other organs, which it may dismiss, stating the grounds therefore;
  7. appoints an auditor for the Federation's accounts;
  8. decides on any modification of the statutes;
  9. decides on the dissolution of the Federation;

Article 9

The President of I.Q.F. shall preside the General Assembly. If the President is absent the Vice- President can take his place. The President shall be assisted by the Secretary General or in case of his absence by the Vice-President.

Article 10

  1. Decisions of the General Assembly shall be taken by a simple majority vote of the members present. In case of deadlock, the President shall have the casting vote.
  2. Decisions concerning the amendment of the Statutes and the dissolution of the Federation must be approved by a two-third majority of the members present and voting.

Article 11

  1. Votes are by a show of hands. Voting can also take place by secret ballot, if at least five members request it. 

Article 12

The agenda of the ordinary annual session of the General Assembly must include:

  1. approval of the Minutes of the previous General Assembly,
  2. the Board of Directors’ annual Activity Report,
  3. the report of the Treasurer,
  4. the report of the Auditor once per four years,
  5. approval of the budget,
  6. approval of reports and accounts,
  7. election of members of Board of Directors and Auditor,

The Agenda may include a miscellaneous item however the topic within this item should be also communicated to the members together with the agenda.

Board of Directors
Article 13

The Board of Directors is authorized to carry out all acts that promote and fulfil the purposes of the Federation. It has the most extensive powers to manage the Federation's day-to-day affairs.

Article 14

  1. The Board of Directors shall be elected by the General Assembly on a proposal by the NGB that integrate the Federation and shall consists of a maximum of 11 members with the following positions: President one (1), Vice-Presidents three (3), Secretary one (1), Treasurer one (1), Director one (1) and up to four members.
  2. The Board of Directors will take office for a four years period. Once this term has expired, the offices will be extended automatically until the next General Assembly.
  3. The Board of Directors meets as often as the Federation's business requires.

Article 15

  1. The I.Q.F. Board of Directors members work on a volunteer basis and as such can only be reimbursed for their actual expenses and travel costs. Potential attendance fees cannot exceed those paid for official commissions. For activities beyond the usual function, each Board of Directors member is eligible for appropriate compensation as decided by the Board of Directors and ratified by the General Assembly.
  2. The paid employees of the Federation have only a consultative opinion on the Board of Directors.

Article 16

The functions of the Board of Directors are:

  1. to take the appropriate measures to achieve the goals of the Federation,
  2. to realize the resolutions of the General Assembly,
  3. to convene the ordinary and extraordinary General Assemblies,
  4. to take decisions with regard to admission of new members as well as the resignation and possible expulsion of members,
  5. to present the annual balance and accounts to the General Assembly, in order to be approved, and to present the budget for the year,
  6. to fix the annual membership fees, 
  7. to arbitrate, if necessary, the conflicts which could arise among the NGBs.
  8. to ensure that Statutes are applied, to draft rules of procedure, and to administer the assets of the Federation.
  9. to appoint, supervise and dissolve, if necessary, standing and problem committees, and to adopt by-laws for the activities of these agencies,
  10. to represent the Federation before any kind of person, natural or legal, public or private, including the State Administration and all of its bodies, central as well as state, local and autonomous.
  11. to take others measurers which are not restricted to be in scope of powers of other I.Q.F. authorities.

Article 17

The Federation is legally bound by the individual signature of President or appointed member of the Board of Directors.

Article 18

  1. The decision of the Board of Directors on imposing penalties can be appealed against to the General Assembly, as the second instance, within up to 30 days from the date of receipt of the decision of Board of Directors.
  2. The following kinds of penalties are provided:
    1. taking notice of the found infringements and demanding their removal in specified period of time,
    2. refusal of help and support until the infringements are removed,
    3. admonition,
    4. reprimand,
    5. financial penalty,
    6. suspension in membership rights involves periodical deprivation of statutory rights, especially the right to participate in the sports contest system and granting training degrees,
    7. exclusion of a member for their activity to the detriment of the Federation, after the explanatory proceedings carried out by Board of Directors.
  3. To arrive to a decision on the differences or disputes arising between affiliated members or between affiliated members and the Federation on matters of governance, sport discipline or sports sponsorship contracts, and after the exhaustion of remedies within the Federation as provided in the Statutes, the decision of the Federation may l be submitted to arbitration by the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS/TAS) located in Lausanne (Switzerland).

Various provisions
Article 19

  1. The financial year shall begin on 1 January and end on 31 December of each year.
  2. The Treasurer is responsible for the Federation's finances. The General Assembly shall appoint an Auditor who will audit the Association's accounts every four years.

Article 20

  1. Should the Association be dissolved, the available assets should be transferred to a non-profit organization pursuing public interest goals similar to those of the Federation and likewise benefiting from tax exemption. Under no circumstances should the assets be returned to the members. Nor should they use a part or a total of assets for their own benefit. 
  2. The present Statutes have been approved by the Constituent General Assembly of International Qadrathlon Federation at 29th May 2015 in Jesolo, Italy.